The second magical experience I want to talk about is the “Tantric” magic experience.
Other words I’ve used for this sort of experience on this site are: “Immersive Fiction” and “Romantic Adventure.”
This is, more or less, the opposite of the Quickie.
Tantric Magic should:
Unfold over a significant period of time
Have a premise the spectator is already familiar with
Blur the lines of where the trick begins and ends
We’re trying to pull people into a story. So, ideally, the premise should be something they’re already familiar with, so we don’t have to do too much work for them to step into the experience.
Things like:
Imaginary friends
Lucky objects
Scams or heists
While I do like tricks that delve into more obscure premises (like Alice in Wonderland Syndrome and things like that). I don’t think they’re ideal for Tantric Magic (they’re better for the experience we’ll talk about tomorrow). We want the barrier to entry for the story to be as low as possible to encourage them to go along with it. For that reason, it’s best to use a premise that they’re already familiar with from the real world.
Timing and Example
The total experience needs to take, at least, 20 minutes.
Sometimes I have tricks that don’t conclude until days or weeks after they begin.
Keep in mind, the experience begins when you first mention it to the person.
Consider this trick. You stop your pulse and while you’re “dead” you’re able to interact with the spirits and learn what word your spectator wrote down.
The “trick” part of that may take just a few minutes. But if I introduce the idea to you, and we execute the whole thing in three minutes, it’s going to have a very “trick-ish” feeling to you. There’s no depth to it for you to get wrapped up in the story.
But if, a few days earlier, I text you and say, “You have your CPR certification right?” And then we make plans to hang out later in the week to get dinner. I insist on going to my favorite restaurant. “Just indulge me. I might not get the chance to go again.” At dinner, I tell you about how I’m working on this “spirit communication thing.”
“The thing is, some people can get the spirits to come to them directly. But if you don’t have that gift, you can sometimes open up the ‘channel’ by going to them. That’s what I want to try with you tonight.”
At this point, you’re not worried that I’m really going to kill myself. You’re not thinking, “Oh, another lame magic trick.” You understand you’re entering a sort of interactive fiction (because I’ve done similar things with you before). In this story, your friend has invited you out to dinner, and he’s going to pick up the tab because he wants you to help him out later and stand by as he sends himself into the spirit realm to see if he can communicate with someone there.
Later, I have you write something down, show it to the spirits and then burn it. “This will give us some proof if it works. Otherwise, it might just be a dream or vision or something.”
I tell you I’m going to try and put myself in another state. I won’t be “dead.” But part of me will be… not quite alive. “If I don’t come out of it after 45 seconds, put the smelling salts under my nose. If I’m not back after a minute, then there’s real trouble.”
I have you monitor my pulse. It slows and then stops. I’m slumped back on the couch. After 45 seconds, I haven’t moved. You put the smelling salts under my nose. I start coming around.
For the first few seconds, I seem a little confused. I’m just looking around the room.
“Oh,” I say, recognizing where I am. “Wait… how long. How long was that?”
You tell me it wasn’t even a minute.
“Holy Jesus,” I say, still out-of-it, “it felt like… months.”
I’m trying to shake it off. “I can’t believe that was real.”
After a little bit, you remind me, or I remember about the word you wrote down. “Oh, right, that word! That was the whole point. Uhm. Shit. He told it to me, but it feels like so long ago. It was… oh, god, if we did all this and I don’t remember…no, I’ll get it…there was something unusual about the word, right? Did it begin with an X or something. Oh, wait, no, a V. Two Vs. Velvet!”
Again, this is a premise I could execute in two minutes. “Write something down. Burn it. Now feel my pulse as I send my consciousness to another plane of existence…. I’m back. Was I gone for months? It felt like it. Did you write down Velvet?”
But the story doesn’t grasp people when presented that way.
The time component is an integral part of Tantric Magic. It’s the part of the journey that lets them get wrapped up in the story.
If I tell you I want to take you to a mystical secret garden, and we walk out to a garden in my backyard, then I’m asking you to do a lot of the work of imagining this is really some sort of hidden magical place. But if instead we walk into the woods for a half hour, I can bring you to a place that looks just like the “secret garden” I would have showed you in my backyard, but here the journey makes it easier for you to imagine this is something special.
If I tell you I have a piece of metal from a crashed alien spaceship and pull something from my pocket and make it levitate, you’ll think, “Oh, cute.” But if I tell you to meet me at my bank and I open my safe deposit box and slowly unwrap an object from multiple layers of fabric to show you this piece of metal I salvaged from a crashed alien spaceship, that will have a very different feeling to you (even when you still know underneath it all that this is just a trick).
A strong trick + a recognizable premise + time = Tantric Magic.
What Tantric Magic is Good For
Creating long-term memories connected to magic.
Making people feel special by being the recipient of a unique, tailor-made magic experience.
Making magic not feel completely trivial.
Fucking with people’s minds.
When Tantric Magic Isn’t Good
When performing for someone new who doesn’t know what to expect.
When performing for someone who doesn’t like magic. (You might think that it would go without saying that you shouldn’t perform for people who don’t like magic. But I’ll still do Quickies for those people. Just to mess with them. Tantric Magic is for the fan.)