Talkin' Turkey Updates

Happy Thanksgiving week, Americans! (And happy end of November, rest of the world.)

Due to the holiday and then some non-magic work obligations, there won't be another update for 10 days or so. But we are inching towards another year of the site and The Jerx Monthly. If you haven't signed up and you'd like to, you can do that at this post. (Also, to reiterate, if you don't confirm your sign-up in your email then I have no idea that you exist.)

Right now, let's give thanks...

Thanks to Kainoa Harbottle. I don't like that I have to look up the spelling of his name whenever I want to type it, but I do like the incredibly thoughtful, thorough, and positive review he wrote for The Jerx, Volume One in the December issue of Genii. 

For those of you who came to this because of that review, I should note this site is currently on hiatus, but you have more than enough to keep you occupied for quite a while.

Thanks to Steve Bryant for giving this site a shout-out in this month's Little Egypt Magic.

Steve's site is the granddaddy of magic blogs, starting at a time before blogs existed. It's always worth checking out his monthly write-ups.

Thanks to the State of Nevada for putting Las Vegas magician and hyper-creep Jan Rouven behind bars for possessing 9000 videos of child pornography. Jan, whose full name is Jan Rouven Fuechtener—one of those surnames that is based on your interests or occupation, apparently, as he was always looking to Fuech someone ten er under—is going to be sentenced March 16th.

My sentencing will take place now: Rot in hell and you're kicked out of the GLOMM.

Speaking of The GLOMM, thanks to those of you who joined up this year as GLOMM Elites. You should see the 10% Peek in your email sometime today. This is a 10-page ebook describing the introductory effect that I use when performing something for someone new (and there's a deck of cards around). It's a straightforward revelation of a peeked card, but one that does a particularly good job of disguising the fact that you ever look at the deck at all. If you don't receive your copy today, get in touch.

Speaking of ebooks, a few people have requested I make available the X-Communication newsletters as an ebook. By no means do I think this is an essential manuscript for your magic library, but I just went back and re-read some of it for the first time and it's pretty damn fun. And I do get that if you're an ardent fan of something, you want access to as much of it as possible. So I'm making them available.

X-Communication was my year-long monthly review newsletter that was sent to people who purchased The Jerx, Volume One way, way, way back in October of 2015. The newsletter contained dozens of reviews and a good amount of theory, ideas, and presentations as well. Imagine if Michael Close lost half his brain in a botched suicide attempt and then went back to writing reviews for MAGIC magazine. That's kind of what it's like. 

This 104 page ebook collects all 12 issues under one cover. The price is $24. (There's nothing new here content-wise if you already received the newsletters.) The link to order is here.


I'm just coming to the realization that in the past year I wrote a 350 page book, a 50 page book, a 104 page book, and, like 250 posts on this site. What a colossal waste of time!

Some housekeeping things. There is a new tab in the menu for The Jerx Shop. This is just a simplified way of keeping everything that's available in one place for Jerx completists and others who want to support the site.

Remember, Christmas is coming up. What better way to say, "I love you," than with a gift from the Jerx. 

Concerned your wife won't be on board with you buying The Jerx, Volume One? Buy it for her instead. When she opens it on Christmas day and is like, "What is this? A magic book? Why would you buy me this?" Get all offended, take it back and say, "Wow, what an ungrateful animal you are. Fine. I guess I'll keep it and I'll read it. If that's what you'd prefer. My god... what have you become?"

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody! Enjoy your turkey and your Old Gold cigarettes. I'll catch back up with you soon.

Percent of Funding Pledged for Season 2

  • Unfunded
  • Funded
  • Unfunded
  • Funded