Until October...

This is the final post in September. The first Monday in October isn’t until the 7th, so there’s a bit of break until then, but you’ll manage just fine. The next issue of the newsletter will come out on Sunday, the 6th.

Some follow-up housekeeping…

The only sizes of the GLOMM shirts remaining are Small and Large and the remaining membership kits with those shirts will sell out before this site returns in October, I would guess. So if you’re interested in one of those sizes, snag it now.

Also, the Amateur at the Kitchen Table hardcover monograph is shipping out by the end of the month.

  • If you’re a supporter…

  • And you purchased this back in April…

  • And you confirmed your shipping address via the email I sent you earlier this month…

Then expect an email with tracking data to come to you soon. If any of those things isn’t true. Then don’t expect it.

J.S. writes…

I was thinking about your post about Housing My Repertoire and it reminded me something I like to do that you and your readers might be interested in.  

I have been into leatherworking for several years making various small items for friends and family as gifts.  One of my favorite gifts is to make up a Yahtzee set with 5 dice and one of my leather cups. But, I always build a magnet into the cup.  Now, I may never need to use that cup when I am visiting their house, but it’s nice to know that if I want to crumple up a dollar bill and go to town on a Chop Cup routine, I can.  They're hidden in plain sight.

This definitely goes a step beyond “housing” your tricks, into the idea of planting gimmicks in different locations. It’s more ambitious than I am, generally, but I still like it conceptually. And those cups are beautiful.

Little Holes is a new trick from Roddy McGhie and Noel Qualter

I don’t have any comment on the trick itself.

What I want to ask is for magicians to keep in mind one of the GLOMM’s objectives when they’re naming their tricks: We’re trying to keep pedophiles out of magic.

Some of these trick names can end up confusing that process.

In the past, when we were at a magic convention, and we overheard someone say, “I love little holes!” We knew to keep our eye on them.

Now, if we hear someone say, “I can’t wait to get my hands on Little Holes,” we have to ask, How do you mean, exactly?

See you all back here in October. Do you have your Halloween costumes planned? Due to my love of reading and magic, I think I might be Harry Potter.

My girlfriend is going as “sexy Craig Petty.”