Rough Draft: Sugarclipped
/Last month, while working on the next book, I spent a lot of time in coffee shops procrastinating. This idea came out of that.
It’s essentially a sugar packet switch that’s based on Jay Sankey’s Paperclipped. But without a paperclip.
You have a sugar packet with the top torn off in left-hand finger palm.
You have your friend choose a sugar packet from the table (or wherever) and you take it from them in your right hand.
You place it on top of the prepped packet in your left hand and start to tear off the top with your right fingers.
When it’s 80% torn off, pause and say something. Return to the packet to finish tearing off the top. But in the action of plucking off the top portion, you actually pull away the entire packet and push up the pre-torn packet from your left fingertips.
What could you use this for?
You could have a folded card in the prepped packet, so it’s like their chosen card magically appears in the packet they gave you.
You could have a little index of prepped packets with colored sugar, and then have the sugar in their chosen packet change into their freely chosen color.
You could make someone’s vanished ring appear in a sugar packet.
You could have them give you two sugar packets of different colors. You make one disappear. Then tear open the other one to reveal the vanished one.
You could fill the prepped one with arsenic and then offer to sweeten your wife’s coffee and poison her.