Mailbag #121

What trick of yours is Derren Brown talking about in this video around the 52 minute mark? Is this available somewhere?—OL

He’s talking about my presentation for the Invisible Deck called In Search of Lost Time.

That trick is available on the site here.

With further discussion about it here.

An interesting detail about Mac King came out in this recent email exchange I had with him.

Good morning. Just wanted to congratulate you on your answers to that kid Ryan’s email questions. Particularly the question about why magic makes a great hobby. Delightfully insightful. And then I flatter myself by thinking that the rest of the email was similar to my experience growing up. Are you sure I’m not the person who writes The Jerx? —Mac King

My response:

There's only one way to tell if this is a Fight Club scenario and I'm you during some fugue state…

Tonight I'm going to put a traffic cone in my asshole up to the point where it starts to hurt. Then I'm going to push it a few inches deeper. Tomorrow, make note of how your anus feels. It's foolproof. (Unless you regularly wake up with a mysteriously sore asshole.) 

He replied:

If a traffic cone is snug in your ass then we are definitely two different people. An entire traffic cone would easily slip into my sphincter without any lubrication. 

I wanted to make sure this detail was captured for any future Mac King biographers. Wouldn’t want this nugget lost to time.