Until March...

This is the final post of February. Regular posting resumes, Monday, March 3rd. The next newsletter will be sent to supporters on Sunday, March 2nd.

I mentioned a new effect coming to the Jerx App soon. I’m pushing that back to the beginning of March because I want to have a couple more videos to show you to demonstrate some of the possibilities with this new feature.

I don’t like to “hype” anything (I’ve sold my last six books without even telling people anything about the contents) but because I’m leaving you hanging a little bit, I’ll mention some of the things you can do with this feature. There isn’t one specific trick it’s intended for. It’s a utility app that can be used for very direct mind reading, but, I use it almost exclusively for Spectator As Mindreader effects. They can pick up on numbers, words, shapes, playing cards. It’s great for Rock Paper Scissors effects. PK Touches effects. And I have a feeling there are going to be a lot of other ideas that come up for this feature as well.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the price of the app goes up in the not too distant future. It’s not up to me. I let Marc handle all of that. While the app is based on my ideas, Marc is the one who builds it and updates it and gets the meager sales for an app that I prefer not to advertise or have a facebook group for or anything like that.

Because of the nature of the app—that it’s made up of a bunch of different, sometimes-unrelated ideas—it makes sense that as new distinct features are added, the price is going to go up. At least it seems that way to me.

If you were on the waiting list for a supporter slot, and you received an email earlier this month offering you one of the vacated slots, you have until the end of the month to claim it before it goes to the next person in line.

As an FYI, the wait time for slots to open up for people on the lower level support tier to the upper level support tier is currently about a year.

Here’s an idea from Landon Stark, from his new $4 book, Bag of Tricks.

It’s about using a rubber band as a crib.

While the notion of using it as a crib for a full deck stack is a bit… ambitious. (And by “ambitious,” I mean, crazy enough to make the Stack Watch seem practical.) I do think it’s the sort of thing that could be used when you have a smaller number of things to keep track of (the Wikitest words, for example).

This is a good trick for people who get called “needle-dick” a lot. (60% of you)

In fact, if you could actually push your spindly cock through the box, then you’d have something truly memorable.

Catch you all back here in March.