Until September...

This is the final post for August.

Posting will resume on Monday, September 2nd.

The next newsletter will be sent to supporters on Sunday the 1st.

Got an email from Vanishing Inc. that says…

Hmmm… is it a regular sharpie?

I can’t say for 100% certain.

But it’s $300, so I really, really hope not.

Although, to be fair, if you spend $300 on this and it turns out to be a 99¢ Sharpie, you can’t exactly say they misled you. They’ve made it very clear that one possibility is that this is just a regular Sharpie. Buy at your own risk.

Regarding the Tag Question Ploy (as discussed in multiple posts), Dusty H. offers this alternative, which is no less fooling than the way people usually use this technique.

Here's how I handle it. I form it as a statement like so...

Me - Ah ha! A red card.

Them - Nope!

Me - You didn't let me finish! A red card... is what you didn't choose, you interrupting p.o.s. You chose a black card! 

Them - You're soooo goooood!

Summer is pretty much over, folks. Did you have a good one? I hope so. You can’t let these seasons slip away because it means you’re letting your life slip away.

What about autumn? What are you going to do to appreciate that season while it’s here? Write down three things and then schedule them.

For example, for me, to make sure autumn doesn’t pass me by, I will be:

  1. Going apple picking with friends (Yes, I’m a basic bitch. Don’t worry about that. Most of the ways of appreciating the seasons aren’t going to seem wildly unique.)

  2. Seeing a horror movie in October at the drive-in movie theater.

  3. Taking a hike at peak fall foliage time at Watkins Glen, NY.

Those are just three. I’m sure I’ll do other fall activities like attending a college football game, going to a Halloween party, visiting some sort of fall fair or harvest festival, going to a haunted house or hayride. And so on.

But the point is, I’m going to make sure to schedule those three things, so even if I do nothing else particularly “autumny,” when winter rolls around I will have at least these three moments that captured this time in 2024.

The goal is to not let time blur together. And you have to be proactive about it.

As I have in the past, I’ll let The Happenings take us out this month…