AATKT Update

For those of you who purchased the hardcover version of The Amateur at the Kitchen Table, barring unforeseen circumstances, it should ship at the end of September.

At the beginning of September, I will send an email out to verify your shipping address. I can’t ship the book without you verifying I have the right address, so keep your eye out for that.

To save myself some emails, there aren’t any extra copies. There might be a handful of overage copies from the printer, but maybe not. This was the first and only hard cover edition, and the final print edition of this book in any form.

Below is a preliminary sketch for one of the end-sheet illustrations in the book. It depicts one of the first tricks I ever saw at a kitchen table—the four jacks who go into three different parts of the bank to rob it, but they all run out the front door. (That was the version I heard. I know sometimes it’s presented as a multi-level bank and they all go up to the roof. But I lived in suburbia. Our banks were one story.)