Dustings #122

Imagine you worked for years on a trick. Spent a bunch of time polishing the handling. Or a bunch of money on a prototype. You’re super excited to roll out your new effect. Maybe this will be your breakout? You go to Blackpool. Lloyd films your trick. One week later… it’s not in this video.

Do you comfort yourself by saying, “While I didn’t meet his strict 87 trick cut-off, I’m sure I was probably number 88.”

Or do you just throw yourself off the Blackpool Tower?

“The Philosopher’s ACAAN is brilliant. You undersold it. It’s truly a great way to introduce the idea, lower expectations, give the trick context, and occasionally perform a miracle. I work at a restaurant and will be using this as the intro to any ACAAN I do going forward. I should get a ‘hit’ with it once a week or so.” —MC

Thank you. I got a lot of kind words about this one. Thanks to everyone who wrote in.

I thought I’d share this with you as finding a wall mounted display cases specifically for playing cards proved more difficult than I expected (TCC used to sell a good looking one but discontinued it years ago). Anyway, the one I found was made by these guys and I’m really pleased with the quality (in case you wanted to share this with your readers) – they’re US based but shipped to me in the UK with no issues at all:—JBP

That does look good. And the price is better than what I’ve seen for similar cases.

I’m not sure how I feel about such a formal “display.” I sort of flip-flop on the idea—sometimes thinking it’s better just to have the decks piled up on the shelf in an unassuming way.

But regardless, these are a good find.

Excuse me, dipshit, I’m trying to get to the dining car.

Oddly enough, I’m actually in this picture.

There’s me in the back.

What? Joshua Jay is teaching magic up there? Uhm… that’s okay. I have this headrest I want to stare at.